
Chill out e.V.
freiLAND Haus 1 | Friedrich-Engels-Str. 22 | 14473 Potsdam
Telephone: 0331 – 2879 1258

Authorized representative of the Executive Board:
Lisa Helene Richter (Vorsitzende)
Michael Weber (Kassenwart)
Peter Siebert (stellv. Vorsitzende)
Christoph Dutz (stellv. Vorsitzender)

Managing Director:
Katharina Tietz

Recognized independent youth welfare organization
Recognition of the state capital Potsdam on  25.05.2009

Bank details
Spenden-/Vereins-Konto: 350 400 4028 | IBAN: DE10160500003504004028
Projektkonto Fachstellen: 350 100 4540 | IBAN: DE13160500003501004540
MBS – Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse | BLZ 16050000 | BIC WELADED1PMB

Register court:
Amtsgericht Potsdam
Registernummer: VR 1835 P
Eintragung ins Vereinsregister am 25.05.1998
Steuernummer: 046/140/05241

Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:
Katharina Tietz

Liability notice:
Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links, for which the operators of the linked pages are solely responsible.

Chill out e.V.